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Maturity Assessment Profile

The Maturity Assessment Profile (MAP) is the most well-researched and statistically sophisticated tool available for assessing a person’s stage of development. Consisting of 36 sentence stem prompts, it is a sentence completion test that covers a variety of life domains. Jane Loevinger was the original researcher at Washington University who created this tool in the early 1970s. The majority of the sentence stems in use today come from Loevinger’s pioneering work.


In the early 2000’s the value of this tool for leaders and other professionals was recognized. At that time Susanne Cook-Greuter and a handful of others carefully tested and validated new sentence stems specifically related to leadership. The MAP that you will take consists of many of the original stems from the 1970’s Sentence Completion Test as well as new stems that reflect contemporary topics and concerns.

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The MAP Process

Once you take the MAP, your sentence stem completions will be evaluated in a rigorous 3-step process that results in an assessment of your current stage of development.  Your scorer completed an intense two-year training program to become certified to score the MAP. In addition, monthly continuing education allows finer attunement to the nuances of scoring.

After your MAP is scored, we prepare a comprehensive, customized report based on your sentence stem completions. It includes the following:

  • a breakout of how each sentence you completed was scored

  • a statistical report of your Center of Gravity (current stage)

  • recommendations for how you can continue your development

  • an overview of the theory and the various stages

  • a comprehensive Appendix for those who would like further information about what it all means.

  • In addition, you will receive a one-hour personal debrief of your results, which can be recorded for you. Debriefs are held via telephone or virtual platforms.

It takes approximately 45 minutes to complete the assessment. Your results will be available within 2 to 4 weeks of when you complete the assessment. As soon as your completed assessment is received, you will be contacted via email to schedule your debrief. You will receive your report in advance of your debrief, which helps you start the integration process.

To take the assessment please click the button below to complete a registration form and make your payment. Once payment ($1000) is received, you will be sent the directions for how to complete the MAP. All MAPs will be scored and debriefed by Chris Wahl.

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